Gun Control Poll

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Poll: 50% Voters Say Gun Control Doesn’t Help
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U.S.A. –-( On the day that a mentally deranged man murdered 21 people at an elementary school in Texas, Rasmussen released a poll showing what Americans think of gun control.

The anti-gun left always tells us that an overwhelming majority of Americans support gun control. But what do the actual statistics say?
The poll shows that 50% of Americans do not believe gun control works.

Breaking these numbers down even further, we see that only 40% of likely voters think stricter gun control would prevent tragedies like the murders in Buffalo. Ten percent are not sure if any type of gun law would make a difference.

The poll also showed the majority of Republican and independent voters do not believe more gun laws are the answer.

63% of Democrats believe that gun control would somehow stop despicable people from carrying out evil.

One of these Democrats is President Joe Biden, who blamed gun rights organizations for the attack on Robb Elementary School.

Failed Politician Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke used the opportunity to interrupt a press conference. O’Rourke, who once said he was coming for your AR15, was escorted out of the press conference by security and caused the Uvalde Mayor Don McLaughlin to call him a “sick son of a b****.”

Gun grabbers will exploit every tragedy to shape public opinion. They know they are losing the public relations battle. Gun ownership in the United States has exploded.
This poll shows that most Americans know gun control doesn’t work.

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